CEDECS-TCBL SAS is the company authorized to carry forth for-profit activities of the Horizon 2020 TCBL Project, and that manages some aspects of the TCBL Association, specifically by providing IT services to the Association and by representing TCBL in other projects.

CEDECS-TCBL develops and manages EU-funded projects on two main axes:

  • Development of ecosystems and European networks of sustainable innovation
  • Prospective studies and deployment of technological and social innovations

TCBL Association benefits from an influx of information and members from the various projects managed or participated in by CEDECS-TCBL such as Herewear, Shemakes, CreativeWear Plus and Wintex. The TCBL monthly newsletter, also managed by CEDECS-TCBL, contains pertinent information about all these projects as well as other opportunities in the sustainable T&C industry.