TCBL project partners
City of Prato (Lead Partner)
The city of Prato has been famous since the Middle Ages for the manufacture of textiles, particularly woolen cloth, although it was only with the advent of industrialization in the mid-19th century that the area developed a real and proper industrial production system.
Market and consumption changes throughout history have forced the city to change tactics and to downsize. As a result many local companies are now searching for new development prospects.
Nonetheless, with almost 7,200 companies employing over 35,000 workers in the production of over 70,000 new items and approximately 350 million metres of fabric for clothing, furnishings and technical uses, Prato is currently one of the most important textile manufacturing areas in Europe.
German Institutes for Textile and Fiber Research - Center for Management Research (DITF)
The Deutsche Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf (German Institutes for Textile and Fibre Research – DITF Denkendorf), founded 1927, forms, with around 330 employees, the biggest European institute for applied research on traditional and technical textiles and related processes. DITF has extensive experience in all fields of the textile and clothing industry, especially in cross-sectorial applications. DITF offer accredited laboratories for all type of testing of textiles and certified plants for producing medical textiles.
Istituto Superiore Mario Boella
The Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (ISMB) is an applied research centre focused on innovation enabled by Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). ISMB, was established in 2000 as a result of a partnership between the bank foundation Compagnia di San Paolo and the Politecnico di Torino.
ISMB is organised in research areas focused on core aspects of ICT: satellite navigation systems, wireless sensor networks and pervasive systems, broadband communications and electromagnetic simulation, optical fibres, cloud computing, applications for mobile devices, and new paradigms for information management and innovation development.
Skillaware is a start up Company of the sedApta Group, a new European Industrial Group specialized in smart manufacturing IT Solutions and Platforms.
Today SedApta offers a complete solution from Demand Planning to Inventory Management, Resource & Supply Planning, Order Promising, Plant Scheduling and Shopfloor Monitoring developed by a collective head count of more than 150 skilled engineers and programmers.
They have over 200 clients and are one of the fastest growing S&OP suites providers with a native European head quarter and IP development cycle.

The Open University
The Open University is the UK's largest university, with more than 200,000 students per year studying its courses.
It is represented in this project by a TEL R&D/Strategy group, the Knowledge Media Institute, KMi, a proof-of-concept and prototype development laboratory which was set up by the OU in 1995 in recognition of the need to be at the forefront of research and development in a convergence of learning technologies and new media.
The KMi laboratory has a big showcase area; a range of “Hot Desk” spaces designed to suit the needs of visiting e-learning researchers; a substantial technology masterclass teaching area and a Podium presentation space – all of which are routinely used for knowledge sharing events and showcasing.

IMEC is an independent research institute founded by the Flemish government to stimulate ICT innovation. The institute brings together companies, authorities, and non-profit organizations to join forces on research projects.
Since its establishment in 2004, IMEC has engaged in more than 250 projects, representing a total value of well over 250 million euro. IMEC serves as one of the largest business incubators in the Flemish region and is the nexus of a large innovation ecosystem counting hundreds of companies. IMEC has been organising its own open calls since its inception.
Tavistock Institute
The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (TIHR) is a social science research, consultancy and training organisation that applies social science ideas and methods to problems of policy and practice, change and innovation, and organisational design.
A distinctive feature of the Institute’s work is its focus on social, organisational and policy dynamics through action research, formative evaluation, cross-national research, consultancy, and leadership and management training all in service of supporting sustainable change and ongoing learning.
What distinguishes the Tavistock Institute is its integrated research and consultancy practice; its action orientated research, and knowledge based change and development consultancy. The Institute is particularly known for its expertise in action research, systems thinking, and political and human dynamics.
A particular strength of the Institute’s work is a commitment to the utilisation and implementation of research findings particularly focused in the areas of employment policies, education and training, learning, technology development, partnerships, social capital, local & regional development, and health & social welfare.

Materials Industrial Research & Technology Center S.A., MIRTEC
MIRTEC SA (Materials Industrial Research and Technology Development Centre) is a Technological Center, active in Applied Research, Technological Development, Certification and Quality Control in a wide range of inorganic and organic materials and products.
MIRTEC SA supports important industrial sectors by providing high level services on quality issues (products and systems certification), applied research and technology transfer.
Its long involvement in research projects has offered the company the opportunity to cooperate and interact with a large number of organizations in the European and wider Mediterranean area, mostly technological centers, universities and SMEs active in the field of textile and clothing materials.
Waag Society
Waag Society, Institute for Art, Science & Technology, is an interdisciplinary non-profit media lab based in Amsterdam. Its mission is to provide meaning and give direction to the role of technology in society.
In interdisciplinary teams and in close co-operation with end-users it develops technology that enables people to express, connect, reflect and share information, goods and responsibilities.
Waag Society has extensive experience in interdisciplinary community building, project management in innovative and avant-garde projects and technical infrastructures. Waag Society combines the input from different sectors to come up with meaningful innovations.
Huddersfield & District Textile Training Company Ltd
The Huddersfield and District Textile Training Company was established in 1976 to unite the local textile industry in a shared approach to professional, equitable and high-quality training. HDTT Co Ltd is a private, not for profit business.
The Board of Directors is made up of business leaders from textile and clothing manufacturers that supply the world’s premier fashion houses and technical fabric markets.
The Centre offers quality assured, flexible training at all levels from introductory pre course programmes, to apprenticeships, technician training, supervisor and management courses. The Centre’s legal and professional services, such as occupational and environmental health, safety and welfare services, provide the textile and clothing sector with access to highly qualified advisory consultants.
The eInstitute (eZavod)
E-Institute (E-zavod) is a non-profit development organization, based in Ptuj, Slovenia. The scope of E-Institute activities is focused on supporting open end user innovation in R&D projects from the fields of innovation, economy, ecology, energy, ICT, rural development and social equity.
E-Institute contributes to successful implementation of national and EU strategies; therefore the efforts are oriented to European integration and realization of quality projects, supported with funds or policies from European Union.
E-Institute also performs different supporting activities for the Operational plans and Strategies of Slovenian ministries linked to the implementation of EU programs. Key competencies of E-institute are open innovation (living lab), smart cities & PPPP, public participation & dialogue, energy efficiency and renewable energy, and business & market analysis.

Consorzio Arca
ARCA is a no-profit consortium established in 2003. Members of ARCA are the University of Palermo, Easy Integrazione di Sistemi s.r.l. and Associazione SINTESI.
As a business incubator located within the University Campus of Palermo, ARCA intends to be an instrument of economic development able to boost the growth and success of innovative business ideas by means of a structured network of resources and services.
In addition to fully equipped spaces, ARCA offers also an integrated system of support services (such as assistance to strategic planning, marketing support, administrative and tax consulting, fund raising, managerial mentoring etc…) and modern technology labs in the field of electronics, graphics, mechanical prototypes design and optical research support product design and choices of industrialization techniques.
Unioncamere del Veneto (UCV)
Unioncamere del Veneto (UCV) is the Association of the 7 Chambers of Commerce of Veneto region.
Its main tasks are the coordination of the provincial Chambers, the design and implementation of activities in strict coordination with regional and local institutions, business associations, research centres and universities, in favour of economic development, SME’s internationalisation, consumer protection, fight of counterfeiting, quality insurance, market surveillance, IP protection and others.
UCV Research Centre has an important role in the production and diffusion of statistics and economic information on a regional level: studies, observatories and publications on economic statistics provide a data base able to help and support enterprises, institutions and economic operators in their decision process, a determining factor for the local development.
Hellenic Clothing Industry Association
The Hellenic Clothing Industry Association (HCIA) is a non profit industrial association established in Athens in 1962.
It represents Greek companies from all sub-sectors of the clothing industry (men, women and children’s clothing, underwear, swimwear, shirts and fashion accessories).
Some of HCIA’s activities include representing the sector’s companies vis-a-vis International, European and National authorities, providing information and consulting relating the commercial, industrial and social policy matters, disseminating information on technological, industrial, commercial and economic issues, and more.

Sanjotec - Centro Empresarial e Tecnológico
SANJOTEC - Scientific and Technological Association is a strategical initiative of S. João da Madeira that aims to support technically and scientifically the regional enterprise community, through the dissemination of an innovative, creative and entrepreneurial culture.
SANJOTEC manages the Business and Technology Center, the Science and Technology Park of S. João da Madeira, and the Creative Industries Incubator of Oliva Creative Factory. These two infrastructures, which have been experiencing a sharp growth since its creation, currently host 60 entrepreneurial projects, 40 technology-based companies and 20 in Cultural and Creative industries´s areas.
SANJOTEC also has a critical role in the management of the Industrial Living Lab (SJM-ILL), taking advantage of the networking potential with other living labs of the ENoLL. SJM-ILL is a co-creative space for innovation focused on giving empowerment to the regional business and industrial community end users, mainly in the areas of Design & Product Development, automation, robotic and energy efficiency.
Clear Communication Associates Ltd
CCA, based in UK and with sub-offices in Italy and Portugal, is a multi-disciplinary consultancy in managing information, innovation and changes in business models and in business conditions (including needed capacity development and diversification). It was set up in 1984 by researchers in artificial intelligence, from Open University UK and University of Edinburgh, to handle the research element of innovative information system projects
Its current projects are cross-disciplinary and its clients and partners include the public sector (e.g., councils, ministries) and the private sector (e.g., in aviation, IT, manufacturing, communications).
Its associates include interface designers, venture capitalists and knowledge brokers, as well as academics (professors, researchers) specialising in information spaces and systems for safe and resilient cities and for agile manufacturing ecosystems, innovation, entrepreneurship, e-skills, e-knowledge, HCI and evaluation.
CCA researchers have much relevant experience of cross-disciplinary supporting roles in projects (for example requirements, technology management, knowledge media, technology-enhanced learning, school-industry collaboration, technology-transfer and research dissemination).
Oxford Brookes University
Oxford Brookes University is one of the UK's leading modern universities and enjoys an international reputation for teaching excellence and innovation. It has been named the best modern university in England by the Sunday Times University Guide eleven years in a row and employs approximately 2500 staff of which 1300 are academic.
The Department of Computing and Communication Technologies at Oxford Brookes University contains around 30 academic staff and has an excellent reputation for research with 85% of its output judged to be internationally leading in the last UK research assessment exercise.
It includes experts on decision support systems and other forms of artificial intelligence, as well as human computer interaction, computer security, and mobile computing. The School of Health and Social Care also conducts high quality research in a variety of areas including cancer care and diabetes.
Association Reginnova NE
Reginnova NE is an Innovation, Technological Transfer, Human Resources and Community Support Non-Profit Association, set up in October 2016 with the main purpose of boosting innovation and enhancing competitiveness of the textile sector in the NE Development Region of Romania – presently among the least developed in EU - and promoting its capabilities and interests for a sustainable development both at national and European level.
To achieve its objectives, Reginnova NE closely colaborates with The North-East Regional Development Agency - which has included the T&C sector among those four pillars of the regional RIS3, being part of the regional stakeholders group who support the implementation of the action plan of increasing competitiveness and innovation capacity of this sector in the NE Region of Romania.
Reginnova NE also has good connections with the two main clusters on the textile domestic market - the Romanian Textile Concept Cluster Bucharest and ASTRICO NE - as well as with the main educational institutions in textile – the Faculty of Textile, Leather and Industrial Management and Technical College I.C. Ștefanescu – and local community support associations.
Centre Scientifique & Technique de l’Industrie Textile Belge
Centexbel (CTB) is the Belgian scientific and technical centre for the textile industry, located in the heart of the Belgian textile industry with strong links to the majority of the textile companies.
CTB offers a complete range of standardized testing, it is a notified body for protective clothing and can deliver CE marking and testing. CTB is also involved in standardization committees and offers technological advice and training to companies in Belgium and abroad.
Via a take-over of the “Flemish Plastic Centre” its expertise and services have been diversified towards the plastic and composite industry. The research focus of CTB is on applied research, funded by private contract as well as national and international agencies.
Institut Français de la Mode (IFM)
Institut Français de la Mode is a higher education institution offering a broad range of activities: postgraduate academic and entrepreneurship programmes, executive education, and expertise in textile, fashion, luxury and design industries.
Since its foundation in 1986 IFM has been governed by representatives of the creative industries and maintains very close links with them. A group of partner companies finance a grant system that guarantees the diversity of its student body.
IFM aims to break down barriers between management, design and technology in industries that blend products, brands, culture, science and design.

Institut d’Arquitectura Avancada de Catalunya – Fundacio Privada (FabTextiles)
Fab Textiles is developing and implementing a new approach on to how create, produce and distribute fashion elements, by using distributed manufacturing infrastructures and knowledge networks.
They are experimenting with the human body and human culture, by recycling, hacking and sensing it, creating feedback loops with project development, where materials, aesthetics and customisation play equal and important roles. Fab Textiles offers a cross-disciplinary education and research platform, where production and culture through advanced technologies are making impact in the way we think and act towards the fashion industry.
They work locally, while creating connected communities globally. They are not waiting for things to change, they are changing them from the ground up.

Cleviria, established in 2012, is committed to reliable, trustworthy, professional behavior. Accountability for the consequences of our actions. Responsible design, responsible production, responsible selling, responsible consumption. Cleviria will provide TCBL with Thela, a software for the management of a transparent supply chain, and offer technological know-how to support to the creation of new sharing business models.
Sqetch BV
Sqetch offers unparalleled online access to apparel and accessories manufacturers, enabling enable small and medium sized fashion brands to source easily in Europe and beyond. Brands are guided through the making process with access to a database of manufacturers that can be filtered according to preferences.
At the same time Sqetch improves the online visibility and competitiveness of manufacturers to help them grow their business. The site has a European focus although there are businesses registered from elsewhere. Education material is available to assist designers and minimize the possibility of order mismatches between participants.

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Programme for research, technology development, and innovation under grant Agreement n.646133