TCBL Values

The TCBL Community is built on a set of 7 shared values that we have identified to capture our shared principles. Explore them below.
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The driver of innovation.

Curiosity is the creative exploration of new ideas, social approaches, and business models, which we see as the driver of innovation. Curiosity is both individual and collective, challenging barriers and steering opportunities is directions that can be beneficial to all.

TCBL members have the right to be curious, to gain access to on-going research in different labs, to participate in EU-funded and other collaborative research projects, and to test new solutions in their own activity.

This is balanced by the obligation to be open to engaging in collaborative research, opening up needs and requirements, sharing own innovation agendas and contributing to the success of those of others.

Individuals and organisations in TCBL commit to uphold the value of curiosity as described above, to promote its diffusion within their organisation and among those they work with, and to apply and develop it in all their activities within the TCBL Association.

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Operational sustainability.

Viability can be any combination of economic and social benefits leading to the production of value. As a quality of activities and transactions, viability equally increases the prosperity of businesses and the well-being of communities. At the core of operational sustainability, it is thus essential to bringing about our goals for the transformation of the textile and clothing sector.

TCBL members have the right to do business and make money through sustainable and responsible business models, including the commercial exploitation of technologies and processes that may be developed within the TCBL community.

This is balanced by the obligation to respect the business needs and interests of all members of the Association, through the mutual recognition of authorship and other rights where appropriate. By default, all new knowledge produced in the course of TCBL activities shall be under the CC BY SA licence, with authorship shared by the participating members. Any shared information acquired within the scope of TCBL activities that is signalled as proprietary background information shall be treated as commercial in confidence.

Individuals and organisations in TCBL commit to uphold the value of viability as described above, to promote its diffusion within their organisation and among those they work with, and to apply and develop it in all their activities within the TCBL Association.

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Environmental and social sustainability.

Durability combines environmental and social sustainability, through commitment to the environment and a responsible and circular economy with local value chains, while reducing waste and designing for durable relationships.

TCBL members have the right to access information about environmental and social performance of the members and gain appropriate visibility for their own efforts to implement responsible social practices and improve environmental and energy performance.

This is balanced by the obligation to work together to develop schemes to constantly improve social and environmental performance, and participate in evaluation and certification schemes to demonstrate environmental and energy performance and transparently communicate results.

Individuals and organisations in TCBL commit to uphold the value of durability as described above, to promote its diffusion within their organisation and among those they work with, and to apply and develop it in all their activities within the TCBL Association.

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The value of diversity.

Multiplicity highlights the value of diversity: age groups, cultures, traditions, abilities, needs and tastes as the base for collective transformation. A multiplicity of viewpoints not only enhances collective creativity, it also ensures inclusiveness of opportunity structures.

TCBL members have the right to participate and have their voices heard, whatever their gender, race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, or physical, sensorial or cognitive abilities.

This is balanced by the obligation to ensure non discrimination in all aspects of each member’s activity. Members shall act in conformance with the TCBL Gender Equality Plan (this is the Cedecs-TCBL GEDP) and, where appropriate, draw up one of their own.

Individuals and organisations in TCBL commit to uphold the value of multiplicity as described above, to promote its diffusion within their organisation and among those they work with, and to apply and develop it in all their activities within the TCBL Association.

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The basis for collaboration.

Openness is the basis for collaboration: sharing resources and information, working with interoperable processes and platforms, providing transparent standards for business practice. Collaboration is in turn at the heart of the TCBL approach to engagement, learning, and innovation.

TCBL members have the right to gain access to knowledge flows within the Association and to participate in collaborative research and innovation processes.

This is balanced by the obligation to share resources and information and document activities carried out, contributing to open access repositories and on-going updates through TCBL communication channels and providing results as open source where possible.

Individuals and organisations in TCBL commit to uphold the value of openness as described above, to promote its diffusion within their organisation and among those they work with, and to apply and develop it in all their activities within the TCBL Association.

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Recognition of dignity.

Respect is the recognition of human and collective dignity. It takes care of social knowledge and individual contributions, respects the dignity of workers and consumers, and promotes the value of place and territories.

TCBL members have the right to expect respect from all members for their personal and professional profiles, choices and activities, within the framework of TCBL goals, values and methods. This is reflected in compliance with guidelines for Fair Trade as well as with the GDPR regulation and in the TCBL privacy policy, to which all members subscribe.

This is balanced by the obligation to ensure that these rights hold for others, including full abidance with GDPR regulations in all activities.

Individuals and organisations in TCBL commit to uphold the value of respect as described above, to promote its diffusion within their organisation and among those they work with, and to apply and develop it in all their activities within the TCBL Association.

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Professionality of practice.

Responsibility follows words with practice, including the compliance with all TCBL values. It is reflected in the professionality of individual and entrepreneurial behaviour that is reliable and trustworthy in production, design, retail, and usage. Responsibility can be in part certified by quality and related standards, but in TCBL it goes beyond this to refer to a broader recognition of one’s role in the community.

TCBL members have the right to expect others’ commitments to be honoured with quality and punctuality.

This is balanced by the obligation to honour one’s own commitments in full not only towards other members of the Association but towards society as a whole.

Individuals and organisations in TCBL commit to uphold the value of responsibility as described above, to promote its diffusion within their organisation and among those they work with, and to apply and develop it in all their activities within the TCBL Association.