TCBL Days 2019
Connecting Patterns for Sustainability
28 May—29 May 2019 | Iasi, Romania
Day 1 - 28 May, 2019
Venue: International Hotel, 5A PALAT ST, Iasi, Romania
Registration and welcome coffee
Welcome Addresses
- Caterina Ailiesei, CEO Association Reginnova NE
- Daniela Toccafondi, Industry expert, Prato
- Mihai Chirica, Mayor of Iasi City
- Paul Butnariu, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Iasi
- Mariana Ursache, Dean of the Faculty of Textile, Leather and Industrial Management, Technical University Gheorghe Asachi of Iasi
Moderator: Caterina Ailiesei
This is our more traditional conference style module, with leading keynote speakers addressing the main issues facing the T&C industry today.
Trends and prospects in the European T&C Industry
An overview of performance and trends in Textiles and Clothing, with opportunities in research and regional policy
Lutz Walter
Innovation in the Clothing Value Chain
Technology trends for an agile and sustainable clothing production ecosystem
Antonela Curteza
The Romanian Textile and Clothing Industry
From tradition to sustainability through research and innovation
Carmen Ghituleasa
Textiles and Clothing in the NE Regional Strategy
The role of the T&C Industry in the Smart Specialisation Strategy for the NE Region.
Coffee Break
An overview of progress and developments in the EU-funded TCBL project since #TCBL_2018 in Roma.
Last year in TCBL
Activities in the final year of the EU-funded TCBL project and presentation of the TCBL Foundation for future activities.
Concrete initiatives carried out in TCBL
Re-structuring production
Presenting: Richard Axe, TCoE
- Luca Leonardi, ARCA / "Collaborative kits for sewing cafés"
- Clea Polar, Coco & Rico / "Re-designing the workplace"
- Lisa Wurden, Sqetch / "Enabling short run production"
Re-connecting value chains
Presenting: Thanos Contargyris, HCIA
- Michel Byvoet, Bivolino / "Collaborative on-demand designs"
- Emmanouela Kouroudi, Thrakkika / "Certifying sustainable cotton"
- Bill Macbeth, TCoE / "Re-inventing men’s fashion"
Re-framing consumer perceptions
Presenting: Frédérique Thureau, IFM
- Ioanna Kouloumpini, HCIA / "Trends for sustainable design"
- Besnik Mehmeti, Prato / "Re-interpreting fabric designs"
- Anastasia Pistofidou, FabTextiles / "Fabricademy future design"
Round Table Discussion with the TCBL Advisory Board
Moderator: Jesse Marsh
- Rita Britton, Nomad Atelier
- Alice Gras, Hall Couture
- Gabriela Macoveiu, ADR NE
- Daniela Toccafiondi, Industry expert
- Guillaume Wallut, Centmillemilliards
- Lutz Walter, Euratex
- Fiori Zafiropoulou, Fashion Revolution Greece
Lunch at the International Hotel
Three visits, for 20 people each, will leave from the International Hotel at 14.30. Please indicate your preference upon registration in the morning.
- The Palace of Culture (Ethnographic Museum of Moldova, Museum of Science and Technology, Clock Tower) – Old City Center
- Integrated Confections Moldova (CIM) – Katty Fashion – Old City Center
- University Palace from Copou (“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University Library and Aula Magna “Carmen Silva”, Hall of Lost Steps) – REDU – Old City Center
ENTROPY/ A fashion event presented by students of the Faculty of Visual Arts and Design, Fashion design program, in collaboration with REDU Place Lab.